RIGOL DS1000D User Manual
Page 107
Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series
Note: Please select “control” of Category when adding “m_combox”, and select
“value” when adding “m_receive”.
4. Copy the Dynamic Link Library RigolTMCUsb_UI.dll from Demo files into
the new project for easier use.
Explanation: In IDNDemo, only three functions from this ddl are required, which
are: GetTMCDeviceNum, WriteUSB and ReadUSB (the function has been
mentioned in the header files Rigolusb.h);
Now, take GetTMCDeviceNum as an example to introduce how to recall these
three functions:
HMODULE module = LoadLibrary("RigolTMCUsb_UI.dll");
typedef int (CALLBACK* pGetDeviceNum)();
pGetDeviceNum GetDevice
= (pGetDeviceNum)GetProcAddress(module,"GetTMCDeviceNum");
int j = GetDevice(); // enter