RIGOL DS1000D User Manual

Page 113

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Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series


For i = 0 To (rSize - 1)
tmpstr = tmpstr + Chr(rcv_buffer(i))
Next i

Read_USB = tmpstr

End Function

5. Dblclick CH1 and add the following codes:

Dim i As Long
Dim sendbuf As String
Dim readbuf As String

rSize = 100
sendbuf = ":CHAN1:DISP?"

'initialize the USB device
i = GetTMCDeviceNum

'send a query command and read the results
Call SendToUSB(sendbuf)
readbuf = Read_USB()

'confirm the light state of corresponding channel according to the Returned
If readbuf = "ON" Then

' send a setting command
sendbuf = ":CHAN1:DISP 0"
Call SendToUSB(sendbuf)

Label1(0).ForeColor = &H808080 'gray


sendbuf = ":CHAN1:DISP 1"
Call SendToUSB(sendbuf)

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