Trigger:alternation:slope:window – RIGOL DS1000D User Manual

Page 56

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RIGOL Command Systems

Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series


Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the current number of specified line in
synchronous mode. In NTSC standard,the range of is 1~525;In
AL/SECAM standard, the range of is 1~625.

Returned Format:
The query returns the setting value of .

:TRIG:ALT:VIDEO:LINE 100 Setup the number of specified line in

synchronous mode as 100.


The query returns 100.

12. :TRIGger:ALTernation:SLOPe:WINDow

Command Format:

Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the type of trigger level which can be adjusted by

in current state.

When the slope is +GREaterthan, +LESSthan or + EQUal, the could be
PA (rising edge Level A), PB (rising edge Level B) or PAB (rising edge Level AB);
When the slope condition is -GREaterthan, -LESSthan or –EQUal, the
could be NA (failing edge Level A), NB (failing edge LevelB) or NAB (failing edge

Returned Format:
The query returns P_WIN_A, P_WIN_B, P_WIN_AB, N_WIN_A, N_WIN_B or

:TRIG:ALT:SLOP:WIND PA Setup the type of trigger level as rising edge

Level A.


The query returns P_WIN_A.

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