Trigger:alternation:level, Trigger:alternation:edge:slope, Trigger:alternation:mode – RIGOL DS1000D User Manual

Page 53

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Command Systems


Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series


5. :TRIGger:ALTernation:LEVel

Command Format:

Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the trigger level of the current channel.
could be :EDGE, :PULSe or :VIDEO. The range of is - 6*Scale ~ +
6*Scale,Scale indicates the current vertical scale, the unit is V/div.

Returned Format:

The query returns the setting value of in V.

:TRIG:ALT:EDGE:LEV 2 Setup the trigger level of the current channel as 2V.

The query returns 2.00e+00.

6. :TRIGger:ALTernation:EDGE:SLOPe

Command Format:

Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the current edge type. could be POSitive
(rising edge) or NEGative (falling edge).

Returned Format:
The query returns POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.

:TRIG:ALT:EDGE:SLOP POS Setup the edge type.

The query returns POSITIVE.

7. :TRIGger:ALTernation:MODE

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