Edge trigger, Edge trigger -26, Trigger:edge:slope – RIGOL DS1000D User Manual
Page 38: Trigger:edge:sensitivity

Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series
EDGE Trigger
Command Format:
:TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative}
Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the type of edge trigger. The type could be
POSitive (Rising edge) or NEGative (Failing edge).
Returned Format:
The query returns POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.
:TRIG:EDGE:SLOP POS Set up the edge of trigger as POSitive.
The query returns POSITIVE.
2. :TRIGger:EDGE:SENSitivity
Command Format:
Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the sensitive of edge trigger. The range of
Returned Format:
The query returns the setting value
:TRIG:EDGE:SENS 0.5 Setup the sensitive as 0.5div.
:TRIG:EDGE:SENS? The query returns 5.00e-01.