Index 3 – HEIDENHAIN IK 5294 User Manual
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QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Index 3
Contrast calibration 78
Controlling program execution 229
Coordinate system 11, 15, 54
Coordinate zero 12
Copy 40, 43
Copying, pasting and deleting program steps 227
Copy and mirror 43
Counter setup 234
Counter window 234
Counts in the wrong direction (my system) 290
Count direction 238
Count value is wrong 290
Creating an arc 144
Creating a circle 143
Creating a distance 143
Creating a line 142
Creating a new template 37
Creating a point 142
Creating custom toolbars 255
Creating custom workspaces 55
Creating features 141
Creating programs 194
Creating a new part 195
Creating toolbars 53
Crosshairs 59, 71, 91, 210, 218
Crosshair probes 72, 283
Crosshair probe offsets 73
Crosshair to optical edge detector offsets 79
Cross Cal function 79
Current position values 284
Cursor 30
Curvature 232
Customize menu 3, 49
Customizing and creating toolbars 53, 251
Customizing colors 243
Customizing toolbars 251
Custom toolbars 255
Custom workspaces 55
Cut 40, 43
Cutting, copying, pasting and deleting
program steps 227
Dark/light contrast 75
Dark/light contrast (Teach function) 76
Database 163
Database content 16
Data points 213
Data point entry 33
Data shifts during profile fit analyses 107
Date 54, 272
Datum 20, 59, 63, 195
Datum menu 33
Datum zero point 87
DDE output 43, 187
DDE output 22, 46
Deadband 232, 285
Debounce characteristics 282
Debugging programs 229
Default template contains unwanted data or
formatting 295
Delay 216
Delete current part 22
Delete selection 40, 43, 46, 48
Deleting columns 174
Deleting data 169, 173
Deleting probes 282, 283
Deleting probe magnifications 72, 75
Deleting program steps 227
Deleting rows 173
Deleting template content 17
Deleting text 180
Demonstration (Quick start) steps 60
Description of file types 274
Detector light levels 283
Dimensional data 18
Disabling full CNC mode 218
Disabling joystick motion control 284
Disabling program steps 230
Disabling raised edges for toolbar buttons 252
Disabling run-time graphic displays 218
Display/guide 25
Display/hidden 25
Display/phantom 25
Display/show name 25
Displaying active program steps
during execution 258
Displaying and hiding windows 37
Displaying a feature in all templates 268
Displaying current toolbar buttons 251
Index OE.indd 3
5/9/2005 10:10:48 AM