HEIDENHAIN IK 5294 User Manual
Page 202

QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Drawing graphics
Graphic images can be added to headers and footers using the drawing tools provided in the Header/Footer
on screen menu. Graphics that can be included are:
• Lines • Squares • Rectangles • Ellipses • Circles
Closed figures can be filled. The colors of lines and fills can be specified by the user. Lines can be drawn
at one of three thicknesses, at any angle and can include arrows.
To draw a line, click and drag the mouse within the header or footer space. The
cursor will change to a cross when clicked.
When the mouse button is released, the line will appear between the start and stop
points, and will be straightened.
The angle of a line can be changed by clicking and dragging
an end point.
The location of a line can be changed by clicking and dragging the line.
The color of a line can be changed by right-click-
ing the line, clicking Color, selecting the desired
color from the color pallet and clicking OK.
The width of a line can be changed by right-click-
ing the line, clicking Line Width, selecting the
desired width and clicking OK, as shown below.
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