Copying a table, Copying a directory, 4 w o rk ing with the file manag e r – HEIDENHAIN TNC 128 (77184x-01) User Manual

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3.4 W



ing with the file manag



Copying a table

Importing lines to a table

If you are copying a table into an existing table, you can overwrite
individual lines with the REPLACE FIELDS soft key. Prerequisites:

The target table must already exist

The file to be copied must only contain the lines you want to replace

Both tables must have the same file extension


With a tool presetter you have measured the length and radius of ten
new tools. The tool presetter then generates the TOOL_Import.T tool
table with 10 lines (for the 10 tools).

Copy this table from the external data medium to any directory

Copy the externally created table to the existing table using the TNC
file management. The TNC asks if you wish to overwrite the existing
TOOL.T tool table:

If you press the YES soft key, the TNC will completely overwrite the
current TOOL.T tool table. After the copying process the new
TOOL.T table consists of 10 lines.

Or press the REPLACE FIELDS soft key for the TNC to overwrite the
10 lines in the TOOL.T file. The data of the other lines is not

Extracting lines from a table

You can select one or more lines in a table and save them in a separate

Open the table from which you want to copy lines

Use the arrow keys to select the first line to be copied

Press the MORE FUNCTIONS soft key

Press the TAG soft key

Select additional lines, if required

Press the SAVE AS soft key

Enter a name for the table in which the selected lines are to be

Copying a directory

Move the highlight in the right window onto the directory you want
to copy

Press the COPY soft key: the TNC opens the window for selecting
the target directory

Select the target directory and confirm with ENT or the OK soft key:
The TNC copies the selected directory and all its subdirectories to
the selected target directory

The REPLACE FIELDS function is used to overwrite lines in
the target table. To avoid losing data, create a backup copy
of the original table.