HEIDENHAIN PT 855 for Turning User Manual
Page 3

Software version
This User's Manual is for POSITIP 855 models with the following
software version:
Progr. 246 xxx 03.
The x's can be any numbers. The software version of your unit is
shown on a label on the rear panel.
This User 's Manual describes the POSITIP 855 for
turning. A separate manual is available for milling.
This unit corresponds to class A in accordance with EN 55022 and
will be used predominantly in industrially zoned areas
About this manual
This manual is divided into two parts:
• Part I: Operating Instructions .... starts on page 5
• Part II: Technical Information ..... starts on page 57
Operating Instructions
When using the POSITIP 855 in your work, you need only refer to
the Operating Instructions (Part I).
If you're a beginner with POSITIP, you can use the operating
instructions as a step-by-step workbook. This part begins with a
short introduction to the basics of coordinate systems and position
feedback, and provides an overview of the available features. Each
feature is explained in detail, using an example which you can
immediately try out on the machine — so you won't get "lost" too
deeply in the theory. As a beginner you should work through all the
examples presented.
If you're already an expert POSITIP user, you can use the
operating instructions as a comprehensive review and reference
guide. The clear layout and the subject index make it easy to find
the desired topics.
Technical Information
If you are interfacing the POSITIP 855 to a machine or wish to use
the data interfaces, refer to the technical information in Part II.
Subject Index
A subject index for both parts of this manual starts on page 86.