Interpolation 3-16, Units 3-16, Interpolation – HEIDENHAIN ND 1200T User Manual
Page 68: Units

Chapter 3
When presetting lathe tools this option selection field can be
When presetting lathe tools this option selection field can be
When presetting lathe tools this option selection field can be
When presetting lathe tools this option selection field can be
When presetting lathe tools this option selection field can be
used to compensate for tools with a down and/or
used to compensate for tools with a down and/or
used to compensate for tools with a down and/or
used to compensate for tools with a down and/or
used to compensate for tools with a down and/or
left-hand cutting direction. For example when presetting a lath
left-hand cutting direction. For example when presetting a lath
left-hand cutting direction. For example when presetting a lath
left-hand cutting direction. For example when presetting a lath
left-hand cutting direction. For example when presetting a lath
tool with a cut direction of down and left, reverse both the X
tool with a cut direction of down and left, reverse both the X
tool with a cut direction of down and left, reverse both the X
tool with a cut direction of down and left, reverse both the X
tool with a cut direction of down and left, reverse both the X
and Z axes to obtain positive numbers during presetting.
and Z axes to obtain positive numbers during presetting.
and Z axes to obtain positive numbers during presetting.
and Z axes to obtain positive numbers during presetting.
and Z axes to obtain positive numbers during presetting.
Press the softkey interpolation value required for the encoder
being used on the selected axis and press the down cursor arrow
or Enter key to advance the display and highlight Units. This
option selection field requires the supervisor password prior to
Enter the encoder units using the softkeys. Users can select In
(inches), MM (millimeters), and Deg (degrees). Consult the en-
coder product information to determine the proper unit. Entries
in this field must precisely match the encoder unit. This option
selection field requires the supervisor password prior to access.
Press the left arrow key or finish to return to the setup menu.
Scroll through the Setup menu until the Print selection is high-