Selection buttons, Function buttons, Selection buttons function buttons – Grass Valley NV9601 v.2.0 User Manual

Page 22: Using the control panel

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Rev 2.0 • 29 Mar 09

2. Using the Control Panel

Button Use

Selection Buttons

Below the display area are eight numbered buttons, as shown in Figure 2-5 on page 12. These but-
tons correspond to the eight lines of text that appear in the display area. Pressing a button selects
the corresponding line of text. Lines of text are numbered from top to bottom with the topmost line
corresponding to number one, and so on. For example, pressing


selects the line second from the


These buttons are dedicated and cannot be assigned other functions by the configurer.

Selection buttons are toggles. Press once to select and press again to deselect.

What is selected when a button is pressed changes depending on the mode of operation:

• In X-Y mode, the buttons select levels.
• In MD mode, the buttons select destinations.
• In Menu mode, the buttons select menu options.
• In Salvo mode, the buttons select salvos.

Figure 2-5. NV9601 Selection Buttons, outlined in red (Front View)

Function Buttons

There are two sets of function buttons, located to the left and right of the display area, as shown in
Figure 2-6. Function buttons are typically configured to perform specific tasks, such as placing the
panel in an operation mode.

A typical layout uses function buttons 1 through 8 for system commands, such as










and so on. Functions buttons 9 though 16 are typically configured as source and

destination functions, such as

Src Mode


Dest Mode



and so on.

All buttons in this section are configurable, but a


button must be included on the panel usually

in one of these two sections. For a description of each button, see

Button Legends and Functions


page 14.

Figure 2-6. NV9601 Function Buttons, outlined in red (Front View)

Selection Buttons

Function Buttons 1 - 8

Function Buttons 9 - 16