Qr s – Grass Valley JSC-2300 SHOT User Manual
Page 59

Ignite Glossary
MAC (Media Access Control)
A unique identifier (address) attached to
most forms of networking equipment. On
broadcast networks such as Ethernet, the
MAC address allows each host to be unique-
ly identified and allows frames to be marked
for specific hosts.
NTSC (National Television System Committee)
U.S. government and industry committee
which defined the 525-line 60 (59.94) inter-
laced fields per second analog broadcast TV
standard over 50 years ago. (This format is
referred to as NTSC.) Of the 525 scan lines,
480 (give or take a few) contain the picture
and the rest contain synchronizing informa-
tion, hold the encoded closed caption text,
and provide a time delay to move the elec-
tron beam back to the top of the screen.
NTSC is used mainly in North America and
PAL (Phase Alternate Line)
A 625 line 50 interlaced fields per second an-
alog broadcast standard used in many parts
of the world, primarily Europe, but not the
U.S.A. So named because the chroma sub sig-
nal phase is different on each successive scan
line to reduce picture artifacts.
A picture element. A pixel is a digital sample
of the luminance and color values of a pic-
ture at a single point.
Professional Audio/Video production.
The degree of purity of a color. Adding white
to a color reduces its degree of saturation.
Standard Definition.
Serial Digital Interface (SDI)
[also Serial Digital Video]
A standard for digital video transmission
over coaxial cable; i.e., passing video data
bits in serial form (one bit after another),
along a single wire. Standard Definition seri-
al digital video (SMPTE 259M) operates at
270 Mbits/sec (2 x 13.5 MHz x 10 bits).
The SDI standard uses data words that are 8
or 10 bits in length. Signals are uncom-
pressed and are self-synchronizing between
the source (transmitter) and destination (re-
ceiver). A signal in SDI can contain up to four
independent digital audio signals along with
the video signal.
Serial Interface
An interface which allows the switcher to be
controlled remotely by a computer editor or
other serial controller. Data is passed serially
between the editor and the switcher at select-
able baud (transmission) rates.