H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual
Page 139
# Enable FCoE for VLAN 10 and map VLAN 10 to VSAN 1.
[SwitchB] vlan 10
[SwitchB-vlan10] fcoe enable vsan 1
[SwitchB-vlan10] quit
Configure Switch C:
# Configure the switch to operate in advanced mode, save the configuration, and reboot the
switch. (Skip this step if the switch is operating in advanced mode.)
[SwitchC] system-working-mode advance
Do you want to change the system working mode? [Y/N]:y
The system working mode is changed, please save the configuration and reboot the
system to make it effective.
[SwitchC] save
[SwitchC] quit
# Configure the switch to operate in FCF mode.
[SwitchC] fcoe-mode fcf
# Enable the fabric configuration feature for VSAN 1.
[SwitchC] vsan 1
[SwitchC-vsan1] domain configure enable
# Set the domain ID to 3.
[SwitchC-vsan1] domain-id 3 static
# Disable FSPF for VSAN 1.
[SwitchC-vsan1] undo fspf enable
[SwitchC-vsan1] quit
# Create interface VFC 2.
[SwitchC] interface vfc 2
# Configure the mode of VFC 2 as E.
[SwitchC-Vfc2] fc mode e
# Bind VFC 2 to interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.
[SwitchC-Vfc2] bind interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2
# Assign VFC 2 to VSAN 1 as a trunk port.
[SwitchC-Vfc2] port trunk vsan 1
[SwitchC-Vfc2] quit
# Configure Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as a trunk port, and assign the port to VLAN 10.
[SwitchC] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[SwitchC-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port link-type trunk
[SwitchC-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 10
[SwitchC-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
# Enable FCoE for VLAN 10 and map VLAN 10 to VSAN 1.
[SwitchC] vlan 10
[SwitchC-vlan10] fcoe enable vsan 1
[SwitchC-vlan10] quit
FCping Switch C from Switch A.