Super Systems 20Q User Manual
Page 45

CnF. 2CnF. 2CnF. 2CnF. 2CnF. 2
General notes on configuration group 2
General notes on configuration group 2
General notes on configuration group 2
General notes on configuration group 2
General notes on configuration group 2
I) Exiting from the configuration group 2 the instrument verifies
automatically the congruence of all parameters. If a wrong
setting is detected, the device will show:
The group 2 parameter passes the congruence test when:
1) Only one of the 6 outputs is configured as main output
2) Only one of the 6 outputs is configured as secondary
output (“SECn”)
3) If only one control output is configured, it should be the
main control output (“ñAin”)
4) The servomotor must be “close loop” type if it is one of two
control outputs.
NOTE: The instrument may be used as an indicator, so that this
test is satisfied even if no output is configured as control output
II) Exiting from the configuration group 2 also the following
actions are automatically performed:
A) The "Añ.UL” parameter ("Output value for auto to manual
transfer" [C.G04]) will be forced to "bumpless" (“buñ”) if:
1) its value is < 0 and only one control output is configured;
2) servomotor open loop without feedback is configured.
B) The parameter “SF.Cn” ("Condition for output safety value"
[C.G07]) will be forced to "standard" (“Std.”) if it is not complied
with configured control output type
C) The parameter “SF.UL” ("Output safety value" [C.G08]) will be
forced to 0 if only one control output is configured and its value
is < 0.
D) The parameter “Fd.Fn” ("Out failure detection current
measurement" [C.I11]) will be forced to “nonE” if it is
assigned to a control output different from a time
proportional output.
E) The parameter “Fd.Ou” ("Out failure detection output
assignment" [C.I13]) will be forced to “nonE” if it is assigned
to an output configured as control output
F) The parameter “IP” ("Integral pre-load" [r.d05]) will be forced to
50.0 if only one control output is configured and its value
is < 0
06/07/2004, 12.19