Measurement Computing Micro 488/EX rev.2.1 User Manual
Page 74

Section 5
Command Descriptions
An IEEE bus address. A numeric primary
address optionally followed by a secondary
address. Thus addr is of the form…
where pri-addr is a two-digit primary
address in the range from 00 through 30 and
is a two-digit secondary address
from 00 through 31. Numeric addresses
must be given as two-digit numbers, e.g. 05
for address 5, and 1601 for primary address
16, secondary address 1
An optional list of bus addresses, each one
preceded by an address separator; either a
comma (,) , a slash (/) or a period (.).
No more than 15 bus addresses are allowed in
any single command. Character Count
The number of characters to be transferred. A
pound sign (#) followed by an integer in the
range of 1 to 65535 (2
-1). May be specified
in hexadecimal by preceding it with &H. The
hexadecimal range is &H1 to &HFFFF. A
character count of zero is invalid. ASCII Characters
A single character whose ASCII value is the
number char, a decimal number in the range
of 0 to 255 or a hexadecimal number in the
range of &H0 to &HFF. For example, $65 is
the letter "A", as is &H41.