Measurement Computing Micro 488/EX rev.2.1 User Manual
Page 73

Section 5
Command Descriptions
Items enclosed in square brackets ([item]) are optional. Multiple
items enclosed in square brackets separated by vertical lines
([item1|item2|item3]) are optional, any one or none may be chosen.
No more than one item may be selected.
Ellipses (…) within square brackets mean that the items in the brackets
may be repeated as many times as desired. For example [,addr…] means
that any number, to a maximum of 15, of address separator-address
combinations may be used.
Braces, or curly brackets, ({item1|item2}) mean that exactly one
of the enclosed items is required.
Combinations of brackets are possible. For example,
allows the choice of term, term EOI,
term, term term EOI, or just EOI, but does not allow the choice
of "nothing."
Numeric parameters (those that are given as numbers) are decimal
unless preceded by &H in which case they considered to be hexadecimal.
Thus 100 is decimal 100, &H64 is hexadecimal 64 which equals decimal
, &HFF is decimal 255, and 0FF is invalid because F is not a valid
decimal digit. The only exception to this rule is that bus addresses, both
primary and secondary, must be specified as two-digit decimal numbers.
Hexadecimal bus addresses are not allowed.
Several of the commands require additional or optional parameters.
These are further described with each command, but discussion of the more
common ones follow. Bus Addressing
A two-digit primary device address in the
range of 00 to 30.
An optional two-digit secondary device
address in the range of 00 to 31.