Automatic gas console front panel -4, Automatic gas console front panel (figure 4-2) – Hypertherm HD3070 Plasma Arc Cutting System w/ Automatic Gas Console User Manual

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HD3070 with Automatic Gas Console

Instruction Manual



Automatic Gas Console Front Panel (Figure 4-2)

The front panel controls, Fig. 4-2, are under manual control only when the REMOTE/LOCAL toggle switch on the
rear panel is set to the LOCAL position. Note that the LCD display is active in either mode.



/AIR/H35 & N


Toggle Switch

Selects the use of either oxygen (O


), AIR or a mixture of argon-hydrogen and nitrogen (H35 & N


) as the

plasma cutting gas.

Note that changing the switch positions will automatically cause the gas lead hoses to be purged for 40
seconds (preflow for 20 seconds and cutflow gases for 20 seconds) and shown on LCD display.

• Test Preflow/Run/Test Cut Flow Toggle Switch

Flowrates are set either manually in LOCAL or from the CNC in REMOTE. The flowrates are expressed as a
percentage of full range (100 %).

Test Preflow – Used to set the test preflow gas flowrates on the LCD display using PREFLOW
potentiometers (1) and (2). Test preflow flowrates are specified in the Cut Charts. In this test position the arc
cannot be fired.

Test Cut Flow – Used to set the test cut gas flowrates on the LCD display using the SHIELD Cut Flow
potentiometers (3) and (4) and the PLASMA Cut Flow potentiometers (5) and (6). Potentiometer 6 and
associated LCD display field only operate when H35 is selected.
Test cut flowrates are specified in the
Cut Charts. In this test position the arc cannot be fired.

Run – This is the normal operating position. This position enables the firing of the arc.

LCD Display

The LCD display is divided into functional fields. When operating in either the local or remote mode, the
following data, as shown in Fig. 4-3, are displayed.