Error codes and messages -28, Power supply control board error codes -28, Error codes and messages – Hypertherm HD3070 Plasma Arc Cutting System w/ Automatic Gas Console User Manual

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HD3070 with Automatic Gas Console

Instruction Manual



Error Codes and Messages

Power Supply Control Board Error Codes

The microcontroller on control board 1XPCB3 will alert the user when certain errors occur in the HD3070 system,
by flashing the ERROR CODE LED on the control board. The power supply front cover must be removed to
observe control board 1XPCB3 and the ERROR CODE LED (Figure 5-3). Note that these error codes are also
displayed on the gas console as error numbers.

The ERROR CODE LED will blink on for 0.5 second and off for 0.5 second with a 2-second gap before repeating
the blinking sequence. The number of blinks between the 2-second gap will indicate 1 of the errors listed below.
During error code flashing, all outputs from the control board are turned off, and the power supply is in an idle
mode. After the error is corrected, you may resume operation of the system.

Figure 5-3

Power Supply Control Board Error Code LED Location



Power Supply Control Board Error Code Descriptions

of Blinks



Indicates that a microcontroller internal RAM or ROM self-check error has occurred (power

(not blinking)

supply will hang up). Replace microcontroller U9 or control PCB 1XPCB3.


Indicates that the coolant reservoir needs to have coolant added.


Indicate that an “interlock” is not satisfied. Interlock failures are reported by the LEDs on the
power supply front panel. Refer to Section 4, Operation, Controls and Indicators.


Indicate that the HOLD input (for multi-torch systems) was not released within 10 seconds after
the end of preflow.