Filling torch coolant system -40, Post installation -40, Post installation – Hypertherm HD3070 Plasma Arc Cutting System w/ Automatic Gas Console User Manual

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HD3070 with Automatic Gas Console

Instruction Manual



Filling Torch Coolant System

1. Before proceeding with filling the system with coolant:

• Ensure that your cutting environment and clothing meet the safety requirements.

Refer to Safety, Section 1 in this manual.

• Ensure that all installation requirements in this manual have been met.


Never turn the power supply on before filling the tank.

2. Turn on the inlet gas supplies to the gas console. Ensure the gases are available at 120 psi (8.2 bar).

3. At the rear of the power supply, ensure the coolant shutoff valve (1, Figure 3-33) is open and unscrew the

filler/vent cap (3) on coolant tank (2). Fill tank with 8.5 quarts (8 liters) of coolant.


Do not over fill the tank.

4. At the line voltage disconnect box, set the switch to On.

5. Turn on the power supply by depressing and holding the POWER ON (I) pushbutton switch/ indicator (PB1/LT1).

The COOLANT FLOW LED will remain out until the coolant has pushed all of the air out of the torch cooling
hoses and the coolant returns to the tank. This process may take up to 60 seconds.

6. Locate the red button (5, Figure 3-33) on top of the coolant filter (4) at the rear of the power supply. Press the

button until a little coolant comes out and no air bubbles are seen in the clear filter housing.

7. When the COOLANT FLOW LED illuminates, release the POWER ON (I) pushputton (PB1). The green

POWER ON indicator (LT1) should light, indicating that the system is operating normally.

8. Observe that the coolant gauge indicates F (Full). Refill the tank when the gauge indicates 1/2 or a little under.

Do not allow the coolant to get too low. Low coolant will overheat and cause shorter consumable life.

9. Check for coolant leaks at hose connections at the power supply, RHF console, and torch quick disconnect.

Post Installation

To checkout system operation, refer to Section 4 Operation.