Guralp Systems CMG-CD24 User Manual

Page 55

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Operator's Guide

5.2.2 BAUD

Syntax: port baud-rate BAUD

Sets the baud rate for one of the serial ports on the CD24, in bytes per
second. The CD24 has a single port, numbered 0. For example,

0 19200 BAUD

This will reset a standard CD24 to its default configuration.

The allowable values for baud-rate are 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400,

19200, 57600 and 115200. Note especially that 38400 baud is not
available on the CD24.

If you have a CD24 with Ethernet or Wi-Fi options, the settings you

configure here are used both on the standard data output port, and on
the internal port which sends data to the Ethernet/Wi-Fi module. If

you change them, you will also need to configure the Ethernet/Wi-Fi
module to receive data with the new settings. This can be done using
the Lantronix DeviceInstaller utility (see section 2.3 on page 13 and

section 7.4 on page 103.)

5.2.3 LOAD

Syntax: LOAD (interactive)

Starts an Xmodem file transfer for new CD24 firmware. For full

instructions, see Chapter 6, page 81.

This command is in the extended dictionary; to use it, first issue the
command ok-1 and finish with [seal].

5.2.4 LOAD-I

Syntax: LOAD-I (interactive)

Starts an Xmodem file transfer for a new Info Block. This block can be
up to 1 K long, and will automatically be transmitted from the CD24

when it first powers up. You can use the Info Block to store any
information you like: for example, about the digitiser, your project, or

calibration data for attached sensors.

Before uploading an Info Block, you must convert it to Intel Hex
format. Freely-downloadable tools exist that can help you with this

conversion. Similar software is also available from Güralp Systems.

March 2011