3 digitiser status streams – Guralp Systems CMG-CD24 User Manual

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Operator's Guide

3.3 Digitiser status streams

All Güralp digitisers have a separate stream for reporting information
about the system, such as their GPS and time synchronization status.

This status information is in plain ASCII text format.

To see a Status window for any digitiser, double-click on the Stream
xxxx00. This stream always has a reported sample rate of 0


During boot-up each unit reports its model type, firmware revision
number, its System ID and serial number. This information is

followed by the number of resets that have occurred and the time of
the latest reboot from its internal clock. The following lines report the

current configuration of the unit's sample rates, output taps, and baud
rates. A typical digitiser re-boot status message looks like this:

The system will produce a similar status message whenever it is
powered up, and whenever you reboot it (normally, after changing its


3.3.1 GPS

If a GPS unit is fitted, its operational status is reported on reboot and

the behaviour of the time synchronisation software will also be shown.

From a cold start, GPS will initially report No GPS time together
with its last position (taken from the internal backup.) All messages

from the GPS that involve a change of its status are automatically
reported. Repeated status messages are not shown to avoid

unnecessary clutter.

This report shows the satellites the system has found, and their
corresponding signal strengths.

March 2011