GAI-Tronics TMA Version 7.5.0 Telephone Management Application (TMA) User Guide (Ver. 7.5.0 and newer) User Manual

Page 81

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Pub. 42004-479B

Telephone Management Application (TMA) User Guide

Page 78 of 128

e:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-479b.doc

Report Tab


Inactive Phone

The Inactive Phone report lists all telephones that have failed to update the
TMA database at the expected time.

Polling Exceptions

The Polling Exceptions report allows selection of specific criteria for limiting
information in the report based on abnormal (failure) conditions reported by a
telephone during poll calls by TMA.

Phone Log

The Phone Log report lists all Maintenance Log entries that meet the search
criteria. If no criteria are selected, all maintenance log records for all telephones
are displayed.

VoIP Alarm

The VoIP Alarm Notifications report lists each alarm or input that was triggered
by a VoIP phone resulting in a SYSLOG message broadcasting to the IP
address of the TMA PC.

The five configuration tabs are listed and described below:

Table 24. Status Report Configuration Tabs



Exceptions Options

The GTL SMART Exceptions Options tab allows selection of critical failure
conditions specific to GTL SMART phones to be included in the exceptions
reports (see note).

Type A/Type B
Exceptions Options

The Type A/Type B Exceptions Options tab allows selection of critical failure
conditions specific to Type A and Type B phones to be included in the
exceptions reports (see note).

VoIP Exceptions

The VoIP Exceptions Options tab allows selection of critical failure conditions
specific to VoIP phones to be included in the exceptions reports (see note).

Automated Reports

Automated reports can be daily or weekly and up to ten different saved reports
can be scheduled to be generated automatically. The Automated Report tab
includes two Export Exceptions check boxes for outputting a specially
formatted report on a daily basis at the Auto Report Time. This report includes
Call-In and Polling Exceptions plus Inactive Phone information. The report can
be directed to a text file or a COM (serial) port, or both. See also COM Port

COM Port

The COM Port Properties tab allows for selection of the COM port settings to
be used with the Export Exceptions to COM Port.



: An “Exception” is defined as an abnormal (fault) condition detected by a telephone. TMA

reports can include health status of external devices. Any fault condition not classified as a “Critical
Failure” will not be included in the Exceptions report.

When any of the nine report tabs are selected, each window (or screen) has the same appearance with
multiple drop-down boxes labeled as “Fields,” “Criteria,” “Criteria 2,” “Order By,” and “Group By,”
along with two radio button selections for Ascending (Asc) and Descending (Desc) as shown on the next

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