Fluke Biomedical SigmaPace 1000 User Manual

Page 150

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SigmaPace 1000

Operators Manual


SENSE=HSN, nnn.nn

The “nnn” represents the width selection (mS) of the sensitivity test waveform.
Valid width entries are 010, 025, 030, 040, 100 and 200 mS only.

The Analyzer begins the demand sensitivity test by measuring the pacemaker
pulse rate; then it places the selected waveform at 50 % of the pacemaker
pulse-to-pulse rate interval and initiates the protocol as stated in the main
product specification document. The Analyzer displays the following:



The XXX is the waveform type as indicated above.

ZZZ is the pulse width.

YYY is the three-digit amplitude numeric reading (either with or without the
floating decimal point).

(Example: SENSE=SSQ100mS12.5mV for the sine-square selection @ 12.5
mV amplitude and width of 100 mS)

SETTEST=NOISEA (Atrial channel only)
SETTEST=NOISEV (Ventricular channel only)

The Analyzer generates a sine wave at the power line frequency of either 50
or 60 Hz at a prescribed amplitude (Range: 0 to 100 mV in 5 mV steps) upon
the receipt of this command. This sine wave can be applied to a single channel
(either atrial or ventricular). Both the frequency and the amplitude of this sine
wave are encrypted in the following serial command structure.

The serial command structure is: NOISE=XX, nnn where the XX represents
the power line frequency in Hz (50 or 60) and nn.n represents the amplitude in
millivolts. Example: NOISE=60,055 generates a sine wave at a frequency of
60 Hz at an amplitude of 55 mV.


The Analyzer runs the prescribed trend test using 02 % to 20 % as the
deviation point percentage from the selected pulse amplitude, and rate.
