7 new in this release – Comtech EF Data CLO-10 User Manual
Page 35

CLO-10 Link Optimizer
Revision 1
modem and the CLO-10 itself. The CLO-10 tracks and compensates for this frequency
offset and drift.
• Atmospheric effects. Fading and scintillation can affect amplitude, phase, and spectral
composition of the signal and the degree to which it correlates with the original signal.
CnC tracks and compensates for these atmospheric related impairments.
• Link Asymmetries. Various asymmetries in the forward and return link can produce
differences in the relative power of the two received signal components. These can be
both deterministic (static) or random (and time varying). An example of the former would
be the differences resulting from antenna size/gain variations between the two ends of the
link. An example of the latter would be transient power differences due to different levels
of atmospheric fading in the uplinks. CnC compensates for the impairments, but these
differences drain CnC’s cancellation ability.
New in this Release
Version 1.2.1 firmware adds the following new features:
• 1:N Redundancy