2 features, 1 doubletalk™ carrier-in-carrier, 2 software – flash upgrading – Comtech EF Data CLO-10 User Manual

Page 28: 3 verification

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CLO-10 Link Optimizer

Revision 1





The CLO-10 includes the following features:

• DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier® allowing Tx and Rx carriers of a full-duplex link to

use the same transponder segment

• 50- 90 and 100-180 MHz frequency range
• Signal Bandwidth up to 10MHz (bandwidth typically refers to usable bandwidth of signal

of interest)

• 10/100 BaseT Ethernet (Telnet), RS-232 or RS-485 for M&C remote control
• Fully Accessible System Topology (FAST)
• Optional User-configurable Redundancy — 1:1 up to 1:12 (CLO-10-2 unit only)
Future / planned upgrade: HTTP, SNMP Remote Management

1.2.1 DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier


Designed for bandwidth compression, DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier


(CnC) uses a patented

technology that allows full duplex satellite links to transmit concurrently in the same segment of
transponder bandwidth.

CnC is complementary to all advances in modem technology, including advanced FEC and
modulations techniques. As these technologies approach theoretical limits of power and
bandwidth efficiencies, CnC utilizes advanced signal processing techniques to achieve a new
dimension in bandwidth efficiency.

CnC can be successfully deployed in bandwidth-limited as well as power-limited scenarios.
Combining CnC with advanced FEC techniques such as Turbo Product Codes (TPC) or Low
Density Parity Check Codes (LDPC) [also used by DVB-S2] can recover enough power that can
then be traded for bandwidth.

Refer to

Chapter 1.6 Functional Description

for detailed information on DoubleTalk™ Carrier-




1.2.2 Software – Flash Upgrading

The internal software is both powerful and flexible, permitting storage and retrieval of up to 10
different unit configurations. The CLO-10 uses ‘flash memory’ technology internally, and new
firmware can be uploaded to the unit from an external PC. This simplifies software upgrading,
and updates can now be sent via the Internet, e-mail, or on disk. The upgrade can be performed
without opening the unit by simply connecting the modem to the Ethernet port of a computer.

1.2.3 Verification

The CLO-10 includes test modes for rapid verification of the correct functioning of the unit.
Test modes that exercises various signal paths within the CLO-10, as well as carrier test modes,
allow an operator to quickly perform simple diagnostics without having to remove/connect
cables from the unit.
