2 rmcp, Introduction – Artesyn ATCA-MF106 Installation and Use (September 2014) User Manual

Page 37

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ATCA-MF106 Installation and Use (6806800M62B)


hpiipmi -d 1 -r 30 0 a 40

Send Set boot options command (Lun=0, Netfn=0, cmd=8) to resource 184 on domain 1:
hpiipmi -d 1 -r 184 0 0 8 60 0 2


RMCP is basically an IP encapsulation of IPMI messages. By using system management
software with support for RMCP, you can remotely monitor and manage the shelf.

Following is the sample IPMITOOL remote accessing command:

ipmitool -H -U Administrator -P Administrator -t

0x9c sensor

Below RMCP server is available for ATCA-MF106:

Standard RMCP server included in the HPI daemon running on the active ATCA-MF106

In order to access the RMCP server you have to specify on the RMCP client side:

IP address

Session parameters

The standard RMCP server is running inside the HPI daemon. You can access it via port 623. The
default configuration shown below is an extract of the configuration file /etc/bbs-


RmcpEnable = "true"

RmcpPort = "623"

RmcpMaxConnection = "10"

RmcpConnectionTimeout = "15000"

RmcpPefAlerting= "true"

RmcpPerMsgAuth = "true"

It is recommended that the RMCP interface shall be used only for the Monitoring purposes.