AMETEK BPS Series User Manual
Page 100

User Manual
AMETEK Programmable Power
BPS Series
100 Trigger delay
The trigger delay field allows the user the set the amount of pre- or post-trigger data that should be used
when positioning the data acquisition window with respect to the trigger moment.
A positive trigger delay value means the acquisition window is delayed by the amount of time specified.
In this case, the actual trigger moment itself is no longer present in the acquisition buffer. This situation is
shown in Figure 5-26 where a 20 ms trigger delay is used after triggering on phase A = 180°. The
fundamental frequency of the output is 50 Hz. The dashed line indicates the trigger point. It occurs on the
first 180 degree point that occurs after the user presses the ENTER key while on the START field. Once
the trigger occurs, the acquisition holds off the specified 20 ms at which point the data requested is
captured. Using a positive trigger delay value always yields post trigger data.
Figure 5-26: Positive Trigger Delay (Post Trigger Data)
Positive trigger delay values may be set from 0.0 ms to 1000.0 ms (1 second) in 0.1 ms increments. The
value may be entered directly from the keyboard or using the knob.