Verilog hdl gate-level simulations – Altera QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Manual
Page 26

MegaCore Version 9.1
Altera Corporation
QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide
November 2009
Simulate the Example Design
Set the Tcl variable gRTL_DELAYS to 1, which tells the testbench to
model the extra delays in the system necessary for RTL simulation.
Configure your simulator to use transport delays, a timestep of
picoseconds and to include the auk_qdrii_lib, sgate_ver, lpm_ver,
altera_mf_ver, and <device name>_ver libraries.
Verilog HDL Gate-Level Simulations
For Verilog HDL simulations with gate-level models, follow these steps:
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/qdrii_pll_stratixii.v
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/
<project directory>/testbench/<project name>_tb.vhd
Table 2–4. Files to Compile—Verilog HDL IP Functional Simulation Models (Part 2 of 2)