Altera Internal Memory (RAM and ROM) IP Core User Manual
Page 49
How wide should the data be?
13 bits
Do you want to pipeline the functions?
Yes, I want an output latency of 1 clock cycle
Create an 'aclr' asynchronous clear port
Not selected
Create a 'clocken' clock enable clock
Not selected
8. Click Finish. The ecc_decoder.v module is built.
9. In the IP Catalog double-click the ALTECC IP core. The parameter editor appears.
10.Specify the following parameters:
Table 5-3: Configuration Settings for RAM: 2-Port IP Core
Which type of output file do you want to create?
Verilog HDL
What name do you want for the output file?
Return to this page for another create operation
Turned off
Currently selected device family:
Stratix III
How will you be using the dual port ram?
With two read/write ports
How do you want to specify the memory size?
As a number of words
How many 8-bit words of memory?
Use different data widths on different ports
Not selected
How wide should the 'q_a' output bus be?
What should the memory block type be?
Set the maximum block depth to
Which clocking method do you want to use?
Single clock
Create 'rden_a' and 'rden_b' read enable signals
Not selected
Byte Enable Ports
Not selected
Which ports should be registered?
All write input ports and read output ports
Create one clock enable signal for each signal
Not selected
Create an 'aclr' asynchronous clear for the registered
Not selected
Mixed Port Read-During-Write for Single Input
Clock RAM
Old memory contents appear
Port A Read-During-Write Option
New Data
Port B Read-During-Write Option
Old Data
Do you want to specify the initial content of the
Not selected
Generating the ALTECC_ENCODER and ALTECC_DECODER with the RAM: 2-PORT IP
Design Example
Altera Corporation