Rom: 1-port ip core parameters, Rom: 1-port ip core parameters -16 – Altera Internal Memory (RAM and ROM) IP Core User Manual
Page 41

Legal Values
What should the ‘q_a’ output be when reading from
a memory location being written to?
New data
Old Data
Specifies the output behavior
when read-during-write
• New Data—New data is
available on the rising
edge of the same clock
cycle on which it was
• Old Data—The RAM
outputs reflect the old
data at that address before
the write operation
What should the ‘q_b’ output be when reading
from a memory location being written to?
Get x’s for write masked bytes instead of old data
when byte enable is used
Turn on this option to obtain
‘X’ on the masked byte.
Parameter Settings: Mem Init
Do you want to specify the initial content of the
• No, leave it blank
Yes, use this file
for the memory
content data
Specifies the initial content
of the memory.
To initialize the memory to
zero, select No, leave it
To use a memory initializa‐
tion file (.mif) or a hexadec‐
imal (Intel-format) file (.hex)
, select Yes, use this file for
the memory content data.
ROM: 1-PORT IP Core Parameters
This table lists the parameters for the ROM: 1-PORT IP Core.
Table 4-4: ROM: 1-PORT IP Core Parameters
Legal Values
Parameter Settings: General Page
How wide should the ‘q’ output bus be?
Specifies the width of the ‘q’
output bus.
How many
Specifies the number of
bit words.
ROM: 1-PORT IP Core Parameters
Altera Corporation
Embedded Memory Signals and Parameters