Starting the eclipse ide, Importing the hardware library sample application, Starting the eclipse ide -59 – Altera SoC Embedded Design Suite User Manual

Page 78

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The sample application is built with a makefile that performs the following steps:
1. Copies Hardware Libraries source code from installation folder to the current project folder.

2. Compiles the example C source code files with the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) tool chain from

Mentor Graphics

3. Copies the


file from the GSRD folder

4. Converts the


file to a compressed Raw Binary File (


) format with the



available in the Altera Complete Design Suite or the Quartus II software programmer.

5. Converts the


to an equivalent Executable and Linking Format File (


) object file with the GCC



6. Links the example program and the FPGA configuration resource object files into the HWLIB example

executable file.

A debugger script performs the following steps to help execute the sample application:
1. Loads the preloader image and places a breakpoint at the end of the image

2. Runs the preloader image until it reaches the breakpoint. This properly configures the HPS component

according to the GSRD

3. Loads the HWLIB sample application

Related Information

Hardware Library

on page 8-1

For more information, refer to the Hardware Libs Overview section in this document.

Mentor Code Sourcery

For more information about the Sourcery CodeBench Lite Edition including ARM GCC IDE, refer to

the Embedded Software page on the Mentor Graphics website.

Online ARM DS-5 Documentation

The ARM DS-5 Altera Edition reference material can be accessed online on the documentation page of

the ARM website (; and from Eclipse by navigating to Help > Help Contents > ARM

DS-5 Documentation.

Starting the Eclipse IDE

1. Select Start Menu > Programs > ARM DS-5 > Eclipse for DS-5 to start Eclipse. Alternatively, you can



command from the Embedded Command Shell.

2. The Eclipse tool, part of ARM DS-5 AE, prompts for the workspace folder to be used. Use the

suggested folder and click OK.

3. The ARM DS-5 AE "Welcome" screen appears. It is instructive, and can be used to access documenta‐

tion, tutorials and videos.

4. Select Window > Open Perspective > DS-5 Debug to open the Workbench. Alternatively, you can

Click on the link Go to the Workbench located under the list of "DS-5 Resources".

Importing the Hardware Library Sample Application

1. In Eclipse, select File > Import. The Import dialog box displays.

2. In the Import dialog box, select

General > Existing Projects into Workspace

and click Next. This will open

the Import Projects dialog box.



Starting the Eclipse IDE


Getting Started Guides

Altera Corporation

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