Bare-metal project management, Bare-metal project management using makefiles, Bare-metal project management -2 – Altera SoC Embedded Design Suite User Manual

Page 127: Bare-metal project management using makefiles -2

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The advantage of starting Eclipse from the Embedded Command Shell is that all the utilities are added to

the search path, and they can be used directly from the makefiles without the full path.
1. At the command line, type eclipse & to start Eclipse IDE used by ARM DS-5 Altera Edition. See

Embedded Command Shell section for more details about the shell.

2. On Windows, Eclipse can be started by selecting Start > All Programs > ARM DS-5 > Eclipse for

DS-5. On different Linux machines, shortcuts may be created for starting Eclipse in a similar manner.

Bare-metal Project Management

ARM DS-5 Altera Edition enables convenient project management for bare-metal projects using two

different methods:
• Using Makefiles

• Using the ARM DS-5 AE graphical interface
Some users prefer Makefiles because they allow the option for the project compilation to be performed

from scripts. Other users prefer to use a GUI to manage the project, and this is available for both GCC

and ARM Compiler bare-metal projects.

Bare-metal Project Management using Makefiles

ARM DS-5 Altera Edition enables convenient project management using makefiles. The sample projects

that are provided with SoC EDS use makefiles to manage the build process.
In order to allow Eclipse to manage a makefile-based project, a project needs to be created:
1. Create a folder on the disk. For example, we have created the folder c:\sample_project.

2. Create the project by selecting

File > New > Makefile Project with Existing Code



Bare-metal Project Management



Altera Corporation

ARM DS-5 Altera Edition

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