Bare-metal compiler, Bare-metal compiler -1 – Altera SoC Embedded Design Suite User Manual

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Bare-Metal Compiler





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The bare-metal compiler that is shipped with the SoC EDS is the Mentor Graphics Sourcery


Lite Edition, version 4.9.1. For more information on the Sourcery CodeBench Lite Edition and for

downloading the latest version of the tools, refer to the Mentor Graphics website (
The compiler is a GCC-based arm-altera-eabi port. It targets the ARM processor, it assumes bare-metal

operation, and it uses the standard ARM embedded-application binary interface (EABI) conventions.
The bare-metal compiler is installed as part of the SoC EDS installation in the following folder:

installation directory>/host_tools/mentor/gnu/arm/baremetal


The Embedded Command Shell, opened by running the script from the SoC EDS installation folder, sets

the correct environment PATH variables for the bare-metal compilation tools to be invoked. After

starting the shell, commands like arm-altera-eabi-gcc can be invoked directly. When the Eclipse environ‐

ment is started from the embedded command shell, it inherits the environment settings, and it can call

these compilation tools directly.
Alternatively, the full path to the compilation tools can be used:




The bare-metal compiler comes with full documentation, located at



. The documentation is offered in four

different formats to accommodate various user preferences:
• Html files

• Info files

• Man pages

• PDF files
Among the provided documents are:
• Compiler manual

• Assembler manual

• Linker manual

• Binutils manual

• GDB manual

• Getting Started Guide

• Libraries Manual


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