Xblue Networks X-50 User Manual
Page 88

Programming Wizard
XBLUE Networks
Configure IP Address and Subnet Mask for LAN Interface
LAN IP Address - at default the LAN IP Address is set to, but can be customized to
accommodate any valid IP Address. In addition, the LAN IP Address is considered the default
gateway for any of the SIP telephone endpoints connected within the LAN. When establishing
any network numbering plan, do not use the IP address x.x.x.254 becasue this address is
reservered for the system’s DSP and will cause erratic operation.
Subnet Mask - when using the “Static IP Address” setting, the Subnet Mask will have to be
Manually entered. If there is a single Subnet, the entry will be
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) - When enabled, the X-50 will recognize any device that is
connected to the LAN port and begins broadcast UPnP protocol.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server - When enabled the X-50 can be used to
automatically assign client devices an IP Address. In addition, the administrator can grant a
specific range of valid IP Addresses. At default the DHCP is enabled and will allow from to but can be expaned to When disabled, every
device connected to the network will have to be manually configured with an IP Address, which is
good for security but creates a lot of extra work for the administrator. When establishing any
network numbering plan, do not use the IP address x.x.x.254 becasue this address is reservered
for the system’s DSP and will cause erratic operation.
Leased Time - The amount of time that each dynamically assigned IP Address will be assigned to
any one device before it is renewed. If the device is still connected and active the device will
probably continue with the same IP Address. However, if the device has been removed and
inactive for more than the lease time, it may be assigned a different IP Address the next time it is