User guide – Luxul XMS-1024P User Manual
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User Guide
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Access Control
IP Address & Mask:
hese fields are available for configuration only when IP-based mode is
selected. Only the users within the IP-range you configure are allowed
to login.
MAC Address:
This field is available for configuration only when MAC-based mode is
selected. Only the device with the configured MAC Address is allowed
to login.
This field is available for configuration only when Port-based mode
is selected. Only the Users connected to these Ports configured are
allowed to login.
Session Timeout
Timeout Limit:
The default Timeout Limit is 10 minutes this may configured anywhere
in the 5-30 minute range if desired. If you do nothing within the Web
Management page during the timeout period the system will log you
out automatically.
User Limits
Limit Users:
Enable or Disable the User Limits function.
Admin Users:
Enter the maximum number of allowed Admin User simultaneous logins.
Guest Users:
Enter the maximum number of allowed Guest User simultaneous logins.
4.4.2 SSL Config
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security protocol designed to provide a secure connec-
tion using the application layer protocol (i.e. HTTP) communication based on TCP. SSL is
widely used to secure Data transmission between Web Browsers and Servers.
SSL provides the following services:
1. Authentication of Users and Servers based on certificates to ensure the Data is
transmitted to the correct User and Server.
2. Encryption of all Data transmission to prevent the Data interception.
3. To maintain the integrality of the Data to prevent Data alteration during transmission.
Utilizing asymmetrical encryption technology, SSL uses key pairs to encrypt/decrypt
Data. A key pair refers to a public key (contained in the certificate) and its correspond-
ing private key. By default the Switch has a self-signed certificate and a corresponding
private key. The Certificate/Key Upload function enables the user to replace the
default key pair.
After SSL is enabled you can log on to the Web Management page via Secure HTTP at
The first time you use an HTTPS connection to log onto the Switch
with the default certificate you will be prompted “The security certificate presented