User guide – Luxul XMS-1024P User Manual
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User Guide
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Network Diagram
Confi guration Procedure
Step Operation
Create VLANs
Create three VLANs with the VLAN IDs of 3, 4 and
5 respectively. Specify the description of VLAN3 as
Multicast VLAN on
VLAN>>802.1Q VLAN page.
Confi gure Ports
VLAN>>802.1Q VLAN pages, confi gure Port 3 as
Link Type GENERAL and its Egress Rule as TAG and add
it to VLAN3, VLAN4 and VLAN5. Confi gure Port 4 as
link type GENERAL and its Egress Rule as UNTAG and
add it to VLAN3 and VLAN 4. Confi gure Port 5 as link
type GENERAL and its Egress Rule as UNTAG and add it
to VLAN3 and VLAN 5.
Enable IGMP Snooping
Enable IGMP Snooping function globally on
Multicast>>IGMP Snooping>>Snooping Confi g page.
Enable IGMP Snooping function for Port 3, Port 4 and
Port 5 on Multicast>>IGMP Snooping>>Port
Confi g page.
Enable Multicast VLAN
Confi gure the VLAN ID of a Multicast VLAN as
3 and keep the other parameters as default on
Multicast>>IGMP Snooping>>Multicast VLAN page.