User guide – Luxul XMS-1024P User Manual
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User Guide
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to the TTL value of TTL (Time To Live) of the TLV. Once the TTL reaches 0 the neighbor
information will be Aged Out.
The Aging Time of the local information in the neighbor Device is determined by the
TTL. A Hold Multiplier is a multiplier used on the Transmit Interval to determine the
actual TTL value used in an LLDPDU. TTL = Hold Multiplier * Transmit Interval.
TLV refers to Type/Length/Value and is contained in a LLDPDU. Type identifi es
what kind of information is being sent, Length indicates the length of information
string in bytes and Value is the actual information to be sent. The basic TLV
Format is shown below:
Figure 14-2 TLV
Each TLV is identifi ed by a unique TLV Type Value that indicates the type of information
contained in the TLV.
The following table shows details of currently defi ned TLVs.
TLV type TLV Name
Usage in LLDPDU
A mark at the end of the TLV
sequence in LLDPDUs. Any
information following an End Of
LLDPDU TLV is ignored.
Chassis ID
Identifi es the Chassis Address of the
connected Device.