LINK Systems OmniLink II Press Automation Control User Manual

Page 96

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August 30, 2002 Manual Version 1.0


To change the value of the scrap count, position the cursor on the scrap counter and select the CHANGE
SCRAP softkey. Then enter the new count using the numeric keypad. After the correct value is entered,
press the ENT key. If the scrap count is increased, the amount by which it is increased is subtracted
from the production counters. If the scrap count is decreased, the amount by which it is decreased is
added to the production counters.

To add a number of scrap parts to the scrap counter, position the cursor on the scrap counter and select
the ADD TO SCRAP softkey. Then enter the number to be added using the numeric keypad and press
the ENT key. The number entered is added to the scrap count and subtracted from the production

To subtract a number of scrap parts from the scrap counter, position the cursor on the scrap counter and
select the SUBTRACT FROM SCRAP softkey. Then enter the number to be subtracted using the
numeric keypad and press the ENT key. The number entered is subtracted from the scrap count and
added to the production counters.

To increase the scrap counter count, press the INCREMENT SCRAP softkey. The value of the scrap
counter will increase by one. The current count value of all production counters with a current value
greater than zero and which are turned on, will decrease by one.

To decrease the scrap counter press the DECREMENT SCRAP softkey. The value of the scrap count
will decrease by one. The current count value of all production counters with a current value less that its
limit will increase by one.

The scrap rate is also displayed on the counter screen. The scrap rate is the calculated by dividing the
scrap count by the sum of the scrap count and the current order count. If the Order Counter is turned
off, “N/A” will be displayed for the scrap rate. This indicates that the scrap rate is not applicable, since
a true value of the order count is not available. It should be noted that if the user ignores the decimal
point and the percent symbol, the number displayed is the scrap rate in parts per million, ppm. For
example, a scrap rate of .3984% is equivalent to 3984 ppm.

Section 5.3.4 Configure Counters

As described in Section 5.3.1 production counters can be configured on a job basis. The user must use
the Key/Code Access Mode configured for his system to access Program Mode in order to change
counter configuration. If the user obtains access control by using the password system, the user must be
configured to have permission for counter configuration. The counter configuration information is stored
with other job related information.

Depressing the CONFIG COUNTER softkey from the Counters menu, Figure 5.6, will display the
Counter Configuration menu, Figure 5.6. This screen can only be viewed unless Key/Code Access to
Program mode is used. Once in Program Mode counters can be configured. If password access to
Program mode is configured the upper right softkey will have the legend SUPPLY ACCESS CODE
when in Run Mode to initiate the password sequence to Program Mode.

Section Configure Auxiliary Counter Names

The names of the seven auxiliary counters can be programmed by the user. The names of the Order,