LINK Systems OmniLink II Press Automation Control User Manual
Page 131
August 30, 2002 Manual Version 1.0
Channel Type
Section for
Channel type used to monitor sensors that are independent of
the machine production cycle. There is no timing associated
with these inputs.
Channel type used to monitor events that occur once each
machine cycle. These events must occur during the set timing
In Position
Channel type used to monitor material feed progression.
One Part Detector
Channel type used to monitor part ejection for parts that are
completely out of the die area as soon as there are sensed by
the channel’s input sensor.
One Part Detector
Channel type used to monitor part ejection for parts that are
not completely out of the die area when they are first sensed
by the channel’s input sensor. The part must be completely
past the sensor by the end of the timing window.
Two Part Detector
Channel type used to monitor two parts whose ejection is
sensed by the same sensor. The parts must enter the sensor’s
sensing field at different times. The last part does not have to
exit the sensing field at the end of the timing window.
Two Part Detector
Channel type used to monitor two parts whose ejection is
sensed by the same sensor. The parts must enter the sensor’s
sensing field at different times. The last part must exit the
sensing field at the end of the timing window.
Channel type used to monitor part transfer. The channel’s
input sensor must report that the part is present through the
entire timing window.
Channel type that allows the user to define the channel logic.
Section Description
Input descriptions are helpful labels which aid the operator in identifying which sensor is tied to a
particular input and what that input is monitoring. This is of particular value if many die protection
inputs are used. Since the input "Type" labels are by necessity general in nature, an input description
can be used to give more specific information to the operator. For example, suppose two separate
sensors are being used to check for two different pilot holes in the part. The die protection inputs which
these sensors are wired to would both be programmed as Cyclic type inputs to check proper operation of
the sensor (pilot hole both present and absent at different points in the stroke). In this application it
would be helpful to specify a description for each input such as "PILOT HOLE LEFT" and "PILOT
HOLE RIGHT" so that if a failure occurred the operator would know immediately which hole was not
seen. The system can have 80 names. Each name can be 20 alpha-numeric characters in length.
Moving the cursor to highlight the Description and then selecting the CHANGE NAME softkey can
access the Die Protection Names screen. There are several names that were programmed by the factory.
These are common names that may be helpful to the user. The user can edit or delete any of the factory