LINK Systems OmniLink II Press Automation Control User Manual

Page 153

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August 30, 2002 Manual Version 1.0


Section Counted Outputs

This parameter allows for the PLS channel to be programmed for counted outputs. If counted output for
the channel is not required, select the No parameter. If counted output by press strokes is required,
selected By Stroke. The By Input option is not functional at this time, and should not be selected. See
Section 7.5.6 for additional counted output information.

Section On Angle, Off Angle, Toggle Angle

These selections will appear as required by the mode selected. The On Angle will apply to Normal
mode and Timed Off mode. This is the angle that the PLS channel output will turn on. The Off Angle
will apply to Normal mode. This is the angle that the PLS channel output will turn off. Toggle Angle
will apply to Toggle mode. This is the angle that the PLS channel output will Toggle from On to Off
and from Off to On. The angle setting can be from 0º to 360º.

Section Count Limit

The count limit is the valve that is assigned to a counted output. It is the number of strokes between that
will occur between cycles of the PLS channel output for Normal and Timed Off modes. It is the number
of strokes between the turn on and turn off of the PLS channel output for Toggle mode. The count limit
can be set from 0 to 99,999,999.

Section Speed Advance Lead Time

This parameter applies to Normal, Timed Off, and Toggle modes. It is the turn on reaction time of the
device being controlled. The Speed advance Lead Time can be set from 0 to 999 milliseconds. See
Section 7.5.7 for addition speed advance information and for information concerning reaction time.

Section Speed Advance Trail Time

This parameter applies to Normal and Toggle modes. It is the turn off reaction time of the device being
controlled. The Speed advance Trail Time can be set from 0 to 999 milliseconds. See Section 7.5.7 for
addition speed advance information and for information concerning reaction time.

Section 7.7.2 Reset

PLS faults must be reset before the issued stop signal is removed. The RESET ERROR softkey on the
Limit Switch screen, Figure 7.6, must be used to reset faults.

There are several configurations for the Reset Error softkey availability. This softkey can be configured
to be available at all times. When configured to be available at all times, the Reset will be available to
all operators. Neither the Run/Program key or code access will be required to reset. The Reset Error
softkey can be configured to be available to only personnel who can gain control access to the Limit
Switch Reset.

There are two configurations for the number of channels that the RESET ERROR softkey will reset at
one time. The Reset can be configured to only reset the channels that are displayed on one Limit Switch
screen. Eight channels are displayed on one Limit Switch screen. The other configuration is for the
RESET ERROR softkey to reset all channels, those displayed and those not displayed.