Analog sensor example – Echelon Mini EVK User Manual

Page 66

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nvoSwitch.state = button ? 1 : 0;

// Call IsiTick() every 250 milliseconds
mtimer repeating isiTimer = 250;

when(timer_expires(isiTimer)) {

// Override IsiGetAssembly() with a version that connects to
// automatic connections offering a digital actuator
unsigned IsiGetAssembly(const IsiCsmoData * pCsmo, boolean Auto) {
if (Auto && // Automatic Connection
pCsmo->Profile == 4 && // SFPTopenLoopActuator
pCsmo->Direction == isiDirectionInput &&
pCsmo->Width == 1) {
return nvoSwitch::global_index;
return ISI_NO_INDEX;


Analog Sensor Example

The following example application adds ISI support to the previous analog sensor
example. The network variable output may be manually connected to a space

comfort controller. The ISI code is highlighted in bold.

#pragma enable_io_pullups
#pragma enable_sd_nv_names
#pragma num_alias_table_entries 2


// Define the device interface
network output SNVT_temp_p nvoTemperature;

fblock SFPTopenLoopSensor {

nvoTemperature implements nvoValue;

} fbSwitch external_name("Temperature");

// Configure the I/O pins
IO_7 touch ioThermometer;

// Variable to keep track of the state of the ISI engine
IsiEvent isiState;

// Start the ISI engine
when(reset) {

// Process ISI Messages
when(msg_arrives) {
if (IsiApproveMsg()) {

#define DS18S20_SKIP_ROM 0xCCu


Mini EVK User’s Guide