Echelon Enterprise Services 2.0 User Manual
Page 60

50 Using
i.LON AdminServer
2. If you are using LNS network management services, design the network using the LNS tree, the
LonMaker tool, or another LNS network tool following these steps (see step 3 if you are using
standalone network management).
These steps have been designed for newer SmartServer users, who may need instructions on
creating an LNS managed network with the SmartServer. You can design your network without
following these steps if you are a more experienced user.
Tip: Design the network with the same LNS network tool you plan on using to manage and
maintain the deployment networks.
a. Create a new network and LNS network database. If you are using the LNS tree, right click
the LNS Server icon, and then click Create Network. In the Create Network dialog, enter
the network name, specify the domain length and ID, and then click OK. See Creating
Networks from the LNS Tree in Chapter 5 of the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User’s
Guide for more information.
b. Create the devices to be installed, including the SmartServer’s internal automated systems
device (referred to as i.LON App). If you are using the LNS tree, right-click Channel 1, and
then select Add Device on the shortcut menu. In the Add Device dialog, select the XIF file
for the device, enter the device name, and then click OK. See Creating L
in Chapter 5 of the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide for more information.
c. Add functional blocks to the i.LON App device for the SmartServer applications to be used
for monitoring and controlling the external data points (network variables) of the devices. If
you are using the LNS tree, right-click the i.LON App device, and then select Add
Functional Block on the shortcut menu. In the Add Functional Block dialog, select the
desired functional blocks, and then click OK. See Creating Functional Blocks in Chapter 5 of
the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide for more information.
d. Synchronize the SmartServer to the LNS network database you created in step b. See
Synchronizing the SmartServer in Chapter 3 of this document for how to do this.
e. Use bound monitoring or polling to monitor and control the external data points.
• To use bound monitoring, create L
connections between the external devices
and the SmartServer using the LNS tree, LonMaker tool, or other network tool. Connect
the dynamic network variables in the SmartServer functional blocks to the network
variables of the devices. For more information on using the LNS tree to create network
variable connections, see Connecting L
Data Points with L
Connections in Chapter 5 of the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide. For more
information on using bound monitoring with the LonMaker tool in SmartServer
networks, see Binding External Network Variables in Chapter 12 of the i.LON
SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide.
• To use polling, expand the LNS network database in the LNS tree, channel, device, and
functional block containing the network variable to be to monitored and control led,
right-click the network variable, and then select Create External NV on the shortcut
menu. To copy multiple network variables, click one, and then either hold down CTRL
and click all others to be copied or hold down SHIFT and select another to select the
entire range, right-click one of the selected network variables, and then click Create
External NV on the shortcut menu. For more information on using polling with the
LonMaker tool in SmartServer networks, see Polling External Network Variables in
Chapter 12 of the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide.
In the SmartServer tree in the SmartServer Web interface, configure the SmartServer’s
built-in applications. If you are using bound monitoring, add the dynamic network variables
in the SmartServer functional blocks you connected in step d to the applications. If you are
polling data points, add the data points you created in step d to the applications. See Chapters
6–11 in the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide for more information on how to do this.