Pulsed, One-shot, Count – Echelon LonPoint Application and Plug-In User Manual

Page 31

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The LonPoint Application and Plug-in Guide


block is configured with the Toggled option, the digital network variable output
value will change every time the button is pushed.


Generates a pulse on the digital output network variable every time the input
data changes from Off to On. The pulse is generated after a delay specified on the
On Delay Time

field. The duration of the pulse is specified on the Pulse Time

field. It does not matter how long the input data remains on, or if the input
transitions from Off to On again during the pulse, the output will always send a
pulse of the specified length after waiting the configured delay.


Generates a pulse on the output network variable every time the input data
changes from Off to On. The pulse is generated after a delay specified on the On
Delay Time

field. The duration of the pulse is specified in the Pulse Time field.

If the input data changes from Off to On while the pulse is being sent, the pulse
timer will be reset (i.e., if a two second pulse was retriggered after one second,
the output would be on for two more seconds, or three seconds total). If a delayed
pulse is re-triggered during a pulse, the delay will be ignored. If a pulse is re-
triggered during a delay, the trigger will be ignored.


Counts Off to On transitions. When the hardware detects an input change from
off-to-on, an internal counter is incremented. The count value is processed and
sent to the Analog network variable. An appropriate network variable type for
the Analog output network variable in this mode is SNVT_count_f. The Control
network variable governs processing of the count as described in Using The
Control Network Variable
, later in this chapter. The input is sampled and the
Digital network variable updated at 500ms intervals. The maximum number of
events that can be counted is 16,777,215.

The count values are kept in RAM. The count is copied to non-volatile EEPROM
once per day just past midnight as determined by the DIO-10 node object,
whenever the node is sent offline, and whenever the functional block is
commanded to go to the disabled state.

Power cycles, hard-resets, soft-resets, or watchdog timeouts will lose the RAM
count values. After recovery from any of these events the last count stored in
EEPROM will be loaded into the RAM counter.

If the hardware input has been configured for Dry Contact, the input may be
configured to be debounced with a configurable time period. If the hardware
input has been configured for voltage input (5V, 12V, 24V, or 32V) debounce is
not supported.

The maximum input frequency when configured for count processing is
dependent on the input hardware configuration as follows: