Echelon LonPoint Application and Plug-In User Manual

Page 118

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Scheduler Interface

the Mode_Out network variable, and the D_Out_1 through D_Out_16 digital
output network variables.

To define state transitions, follow these steps for each state that you defined in
the previous section:

1. Drag a State Definitions shape from the LonPoint Schedule stencil to your

LonMaker drawing.

2. Double-click the State Definitions shape. A drawing of the shape opens in a

new window.

3. Click on the box to the right of the State Name label.

4. Fill in the name of the state from the bubble diagram.

For each transition out of the state that you defined in the state machine bubble
diagram, follow these steps:

1. Click an entry in the Exit Condition column and type an Exit Condition

name. In the following examples, Exit Condition names start with a cnd
prefix, so example Exit Condition names are cndOccupied and

2. Click the corresponding entry in the Next State column and type the name

of the next state for the transition. This is the state at the head of the arrow
in your state machine bubble diagram.

3. Click the corresponding entry in the Mode_Out column and type a value for

the Mode_Out network variable. By default, the Mode_Out network
variable is an SNVT_hvac_mode type, but you can use the LonMaker
Browser to change the type of this output to any single-byte output type.
The value that you will enter in the LonPoint Schedule Maker application
for the output is always specified as a SNVT_hvac_mode value, but the
actual type of the output will be the type that you specify in the LonMaker
Browser. See Changing the Mode and Mode_Out Types later in this chapter.
Following is a table of output values for the Mode_Out network variable. If
you are using the SNVT_hvac_mode type, select the HVAC_mode name for
each output. If you are using another type, find the numeric value that
corresponds to your desired output, and enter the corresponding
SNVT_hvac_mode name.






Controller automatically changes
between application modes



Heating only



Application-specific morning warmup



Cooling only



Application-specific night purge



Application-specific pre-cool