YSI BODAnalyst User Manual

Page 66

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Customizing Your Program

Section 11

YSI Incorporated

BOD Analyst for Windows Software


Use Serial Number: Sets whether the program will assign Serial Numbers. The default is off.

Serialize Each: The program can assign a new serial number to each bottle or each sample. The
default is Sample.

YSI Displays: The YSI can display the Sample name or serial number when taking readings.
The default is Sample Name.

Lowest Digits: Used in conjunction with the Highest Digits field to specify how the software
will increment the serial number. With these fields you specify the range of each digit. Each
field is 8 digits long. Each digit can be an alpha character, a numeric character, or an alpha-
numeric character. Since each digit is set independently, you can even mix character types. The
order of characters is:


Skip Letters: Characters listed will not be used in the serial number.

Last Serial Number: Displays the Last Serial Number that was assigned by the software. This
field is read only.

The Serial Number will be displayed when reading the initial and final DO on the computer. On
the bench sheet the current Serial number is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the bench