5 the bench sheet – YSI BODAnalyst User Manual
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Section 5
YSI Incorporated
BOD Analyst for Windows Software
This feature allows you to setup a batch by importing a text file created in another system (i.e. a
LIMS). The LIMS needs to build a file with the sample names followed by an optional serial
number, one pair per line. Sample names in the file must exactly match sample names defined in
BOD Analyst software (however, Sample names are not case sensitive). For example, if the
sample name in the import text file is raw and the Sample is defined in BOD Analyst software as
Raw, they would still match. The Raw sample would then be added to the batch according to
how the Sample was setup in BOD Analyst software. See Section 2.2, Using Sample Setup for
more information. The text file has the following format: columns 1 through 12 for the Sample
Name, columns 14 through 21 for the Serial Number. Here is an example import file:
Column 1
Column 14
If the Serial Number is included in the import file, the serial number in the file will override the
serial number that would be generated by BOD Analyst software. To import a batch, select
Utilities, Import Batch and the Import Batch form will be displayed.
Select the date to be imported and enter the Import File Name. The … button allows you to
browse for the import file. Click OK and the batch will be setup.
The Bench Sheet is the main form of the BOD Analyst software. From the Bench Sheet all
functions of BOD Analyst software are found. A day’s batch is retrieved into the Bench Sheet so
the DO readings can be read, the BODs calculated, the criteria applied to the tests, and the Final
BOD stored.
Data is entered from the keyboard in a spreadsheet fashion or read from the YSI 5000/5100 DO
Instrument. Data to be entered includes the bottle number, amount of sample used, amount of
seed used, initial dissolved oxygen reading and final dissolved oxygen reading. For each test the