YSI BODAnalyst User Manual
Page 32

Taking Initial DO Readings
Section 6
YSI Incorporated
BOD Analyst for Windows Software
Now, we will want to measure only one of the dilutions of the Influent Sample and derive the
other two. There is less experimental error if you measure the strongest dilution. You will have
to enter bottle numbers for all three dilutions. So, you will enter the bottle number for the first
dilution, SKIP past its DO reading, enter the bottle number for the second dilution, SKIP past its
DO reading, enter the bottle number for the third dilution, and finally store a DO reading. After
initials are complete, the remaining initials that have not been read will be derived. In our
example, the 6 and 12 ml Influent dilutions were derived (8.53 and 8.58).
You can proceed through the rest of the batch measuring DOs for only the strongest dilutions for
each Sample.
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