YSI BODAnalyst User Manual
Page 29

Taking Initial DO Readings
Section 6
YSI Incorporated
BOD Analyst for Windows Software
You can also move between dilutions (bottles) without going through the batch sequentially. The
SKIP, UP, and DOWN buttons can be used to navigate through the batch.
Moves to the next bottle (dilution).
Moves to the first dilution of the previous sample
Moves to the first dilution of the next sample
Note: The SKIP, UP, and DOWN buttons provide different functions when entering bottle
numbers and will NOT move to a different dilution.
When you have finished all of the bottles in a Batch, the program will display the following on
the YSI 5100 DO Instrument :
You will then be returned to the Bench Sheet.
The barcode wand can ONLY be used with the YSI 5100 DO instrument. You can choose one of
two ways to use the barcode wand. If the Barcode reader field on the YSI Instrument
Parameters Form is set to required, then the program will require barcode bottle number entry
during both initial and final DOs. Furthermore, the program will not accept bottle numbers from
the YSI 5100 DO Instrument keys or from the PC keyboard. If the Barcode reader field on the
General Setup Form is set to on, then the program will ask for bottle numbers only during initials
and will accept bottle numbers from the YSI 5100 DO Instrument keys and the PC keyboard. See
Bar Coding in the Section 11, Customizing Your Program.
If you want to use the barcode wand for initials only, then be sure to set the Barcode reader field
on the YSI Instrument Parameters Form to on. The program will prompt for bottle numbers in
the same way as described in “Entering Bottle Numbers With the YSI 5100 DO Instrument
Keys.” When you see the "Enter bot #0" prompt, scan the label on the bottle and the program
will accept the barcode input and then go on to reading DO. The program will also accept input
from either the YSI 5100 DO Instrument or the PC keyboard.
If you want to require that the barcode wand be used for both initials and finals, then be sure to
set the Barcode reader field on the YSI Instrument Parameters Form to required. The program
will prompt for bottle numbers in this way for initials:
During final DOs, the program will use the bottle number that was entered during initials in the
prompt, as follows:
Effluent 60 i
Scan bottle
Effluent 60 f
Scan bottle# 551
Initial Reads