YSI BODAnalyst User Manual
Page 24

Section 5
YSI Incorporated
BOD Analyst for Windows Software
Select the sample to add from the list and the number of dilutions and the dilution volumes will
be read from the sample setup. Edit the Sample’s dilutions and Seeding information if required
and click OK. Changing the dilution and seeding information on this form only changes it for
this batch. The sample and its bottles will be added to the end of the batch.
This button marks tests independently of the current criteria. If a test is marked, it is
not used in the final BOD calculation. The ability to mark or unmark records enables the user to
make judgement calls in selecting or rejecting BODs. Tests are automatically marked as
unacceptable when data is changed. To manually mark a test that meets the current criteria, move
the cursor to the row and select the MARK button. The test will be removed from the final BOD
Removes the marked condition for the current row. If the current row is marked
(manually or automatically) the UNMARK button adds the test back into the final
BOD Calculation.
Calculates the BODs and checks the criteria for all bottles. Marks bottles that do
not meet criteria. Please note: if the Apply criteria after Finals on the Criteria
Setup form has a check mark, the criteria will automatically be applied. If you
want to check the criteria manually at any time, click this button.
Sample Date: Enter the sample date. When the sample date is entered, any previous entries are
Incubation Period: The date range of the BOD incubation period. The start date of the
incubation period is set when Initial DOs are read. The end date is set when finals are read.
Seed Correction: Shows the amount of seed correction in mg/l DO per ml of seed used. All
samples that are set as Use as Seed in sample setup that are in the batch will be listed. As you
move in the bench sheet the current Seed will be highlighted. For example if your Effluent
sample is seeded with Influent, when the cursor is moved to the Effluent sample, the Influent
Seed Correction factor in the list will be highlighted.
Technician: Used to identify the person responsible for the validity of laboratory test data. Up to
twenty-five characters can be used to indicate the employee's social security number, name or