YSI BODAnalyst User Manual
Page 35

Taking Final Dos Readings
Section 7
YSI Incorporated
BOD Analyst for Windows Software
Your Technique for Auto Stabilize setting affects how the BOD Analyst software responds to
your input.
The YSI 5000/5100 DO Instrument will automatically store the DO
reading when the reading becomes stable.
After the reading is stable, press CONFIRM to store the reading.
Press CONFIRM to transfer the current DO reading from the YSI
5000/5100 DO Instrument. The YSI 5000/5100 DO Instrument will
display STBL when the reading becomes stable.
Press CONFIRM to store the current reading. The YSI 5000/5100 DO
Instrument will not display STBL.
There is very little difference between taking final DOs and taking initials. The YSI 5000/5100
DO Instrument menu is the same. The "i" in the display has been replaced with an "f". The
alarms work in exactly the same way.
Pressing CONFIRM will start the auto-stabilization routine. Otherwise, autostabilization works
the same way for final DOs as it does for initials. Alarms and the YSI 5000/5100 DO Instrument
menu work in the same way as for initial DOs. See Section 6, Taking Initial DOs for a detailed
explanation of The YSI 5000/5100 DO Instrument menu, alarms, and auto-stabilization.
The BOD for each bottle (dilution) and Sample is calculated as you go along. However, the
calculations for some Samples depend on the results of others. For example, one cannot calculate
the BOD of a seeded sample until the final DO for the seed has been performed.
If you need to correct a final DO reading that has been stored, you can retake final DO readings
just as you were able to do for initial DOs. To do this, load the batch into the bench sheet and
select Read / Retake Final. An example of the bench sheet Screen after completing finals is
shown below.